Below are the citations for the items listed under the Books, eBooks, and Additional Resources tabs.
Harris, J. P. (2016). Vietnam's high ground: armed struggle for the Central Highlands, 1954-1965. University Press of Kansas.
Hoey, S. P. (2014). The civilian irregular defense group: behind the decision to change operational control. United States Army Command and General Staff College.
Jones, R. W. (2007). A team effort: The Montagnard uprising of September 1964. Veritas, 3(2), 53-67.
Kelly, F.J. (1973). U.S. Army Special Forces, 1961-1971. Department of the Army.
Lawton, J.L. (1975). The crucial years, 1960-1964.The development and training of the South Vietnamese Army, 1950-1972 (p.17-45). Department of the Army.
Piasecki, E.G. (2009). Civilian Irregular Defense Group: The first years: 1961-1967. Veritas, 5(4), 19-28.
Prados, J. (2003). Lost crusader: the secret wars of CIA director William Colby. Oxford University Press.
Below are the citations for the items listed under the Books, eBooks, eAudiobooks, and Additional Resources tabs.
Brokhausen, N. (2018). We few: Special Operation Forces in Vietnam. Casemate Publishers. .
Brokhausen, N. (2021). Whispers in the tall grass: Back behind enemy lines with MACV-SOG. Casemate Publishers. .
Cosmas, G. A. (2006). MACV: the joint command in the years of escalation, 1962-1967. Center of Military History, United States Army.
Eckhardt, G.S. (1974). Command and control 1950-1969. Department of the Army. .
Gillespie, R.M. (2011). Black ops Vietnam: The operational history of MACVSOG. Naval Institute Press.
Lester, R.E. (1988). Records of the Military Assistance Command Vietnam: Part I. The war in Vietnam, 1954-1973: MACV historical office documentary collection. U.S. Army Military History Institute. .
Lindsey, F.S. (2012). Secret Green Beret commandos in Cambodia: a memorial history of MACV-SOG's Command and Control Detachment South (CCS) and its air partners, Republic of Vietnam, 1967-1972. AuthorHouse.
Meyer, J. S. (2018). SOG Chronicles. SOG Publishing.
Plaster, J. L. (1997). SOG: the secret wars of America's commandos in Vietnam. Simon & Schuster.
Rottman, G. L. (2011). US MACV-SOG Reconnaissance Team in Vietnam. Bloomsbury Publishing. .
Saal, H. (1990). SOG, MACV Studies and Observation Group: behind enemy lines. Edwards Brothers.
Schultz, R. H. (1999). The secret war against Hanoi: Kennedy's and Johnson's use of spies, saboteurs, and covert warriors in North Vietnam. HarperCollins.
Below are the citations for the items listed under the Books and eBooks tabs.
Gillespie, R.M. (2011). Black ops Vietnam: The operational history of MACVSOG. Maryland: Naval Institute Press.
McRaven, W. H. (1996). Spec ops: Case studies in special operations warfare: Theory and practice. New York: Presidio Press.
Thomas, W. C. (1997, Spring). Operation Kingpin - Success or failure?. Joint Forces Quarterly.
Zimmerman, D.J. and Gresham, J.D. (2007). Beyond hell and back: How America’s special operations forces became the world’s greatest fighting unit. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
Below are the citations for the items listed under the Books, eBooks, and Additional Resources tabs.
Boot, M. (2013). Invisible armies: An epic history of guerrilla warfare from ancient times to the present. New York: Liveright Publishing Corporation.
David, S. (2015). Operation Thunderbolt: Flight 139 and the raid on Entebbe Airport, the most audacious hostage rescue mission in history. New York: Little, Brown & Company.
East. R. (1976). Keesing’s Record of World Events (Vol.22). London: Longman. Retrieved from
Harclerode, P. (2000). Secret soldiers: Special forces in the war against terrorism. London: Cassell & Co.
Kiras, J.D. (2006). Special operations and strategy: From World War II to the war on terrorism. London: Routledge.
McRaven, W.H. (1995). Spec ops: Case Studies in Special Operations Warfare: Theory and Practice. New York: Presidio.
Netanyahu, I. (2002). Yoni’s last battle: The rescue at Entebbe, 1976. New York: Gefen Books.
William, S. (1976). 90 minutes at Entebbe: The full inside story of the spectacular Israeli counterterrorism strike and the daring rescue of 103 hostages. New York: Skyhorse Publishing.
Below are the citations for the items listed under the Books, eBooks, eAudiobooks, and Additional Resources tabs.
Bacevich, A.J., Hallums, J.D., White, R.H., & Yound, T.F. (1988). American military policy in small wars: The case of El Salvador. Washington: Pergamon-Brassey’s.
Crandall, R. (2014). America’s dirty wars: Irregular warfare from 1776 to the war on terror. New York: Cambridge University.
Joes, A.J. (2000). America and guerrilla warfare. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky.
Long, A., Pezard, S., Loidolt, B., & Helmus, T.C. (2012). Locals rule: Historical lessons for creating local defense forces for Afghanistan and beyond. Santa Monica, CA: Rand Corporation.
Manwaring, M.G. (2012). The complexity of modern asymmetric warfare. Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press.
Meara, W. R. (2010). Contra cross: Insurgency and tyranny in Central America, 1979-1989. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review Press.
Paterson, P. (2016). Training surrogate forces in international humanitarian law: Lessons from Peru, Colombia, El Salvador, and Iraq. MacDill Air Force Base, Florida: The JSOU Press.
Rabe, S.G. (2016). The killing zone: The United States wages cold war in Latin America. New York: Oxford University Press.
Robinson, L. (2004). Masters of chaos: The secret history of Special Forces. New York: Public Affairs.
Below are the citations for the items listed under the Books, eBooks, and Additional Resources tabs.
Adams, T.K. (1998). US Special Operations Forces in action: The challenge of unconventional warfare. London: Frank Cass.
Adkin, M. (1989). Urgent Fury: The battle for Grenada. Massachusetts: Lexington Books.
Bolder, D.P. (1986, July). Operation Urgent Fury and its critics. Military Review. Retrieved from
Burrowes, R. A. (1988). Revolution and rescue in Grenada: An account of the U.S.-Caribbean invasion. Connecticut: Greenwood Press.
Cole, R. H., & United States. (1997). Operation Urgent Fury: The planning and execution of joint operations in Grenada, 12 October-2 November 1983. Washington, DC: Joint History Office, Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Retrieved from
Ferguson, J., & Latin America Bureau. (1991). Grenada: Revolution in reverse. London: Latin America Bureau.
Finlayson, K. (2006). Task Force 160 in Operation Urgent Fury. Veritas, 2(2), 36-41. Retrieved from
Heine, J. (1990). A revolution aborted: The lessons of Grenada. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
Hogan, D. W. (1992). Raiders or elite infantry? The changing role of the U.S. Army Rangers from Dieppe to Grenada. Connecticut: Greenwood Press.
O'Shaughnessy, H. (1984). Grenada--revolution, invasion and aftermath. London: Hamish Hamilton with The Observer.
Payne, A., Sutton, P., & Thorndike, T. (1985). Grenada: Revolution and invasion. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
Raines, E. F. (2010). The rucksack war: U.S. Army operational logistics in Grenada, 1983. Washington, D.C: Center of Military History, U.S. Army
Sandford, G. W. (U.S.). (1985). The New Jewel Movement: Grenada's revolution, 1979-1983. Washington, D.C.: Center for the Study of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Service Institute, U.S. Dept. of State.
Below are the citations for the items listed under the Books tab.
Wise, H.L. (2007). Inside the danger zone: The U.S. military in the Persian Gulf, 1987-1988. Maryland: Naval Institute Press.
Zatarain, L.A. (2008). Tanker war: America’s first conflict with Iran, 1987-1988. Philadelphia: Casemate.
Below are the citations for the items listed under the Books, eBooks, and Additional Resources tabs.
Center of Military History. (2004). Operation Just Cause: The incursion into Panama. Washington, D.C.: Center of Military History. Retreived from:
Cole, R. H. (1995). Operation Just Cause: The planning and execution of joint operations in Panama, February 1988 – January 1990. Washington, D.C.: Joint History Office, Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Retrieved from
Edwards, S.J.A. (2000). Mars unmasked: The changing face of urban operations. Santa Monica, CA: Rand.
Kempe, F. (1990). Divorcing the dictator: America’s bungled affair with Noriega. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons.
Michaud, N., In Hensel, H. M., & In Michaud, N. (2016). Global media perspectives on the crisis in Panama. London: Routledge.
Quigley, J. (1990). The legality of the United States invasion of Panama. Yale Journal of International Law, 15(2), 276-315. Retrieved from
Robertson, W. G., & Yates, L. A. (Eds.). (2003). Block by block: The challenges of urban Ooerations. Fort Leavenworth, KA: U.S. Army Command and General Staff College Press.
Shultz, R. H. (1993). In the aftermath of war: US support for reconstruction and nation-building in Panama following Just Cause. Maxwell AFB, AL: Air University Press.
Yates, L.A. (2008). The U.S. military intervention in Panama: Origins, planning, and crisis management June 1987-December 1989. Washington, DC: Center for Military History. Retrieved from
Below are the citations for the items listed under the Books, eBooks, and Additional Resources tabs.
Briscoe, C. H., & United States Army Special Operations Command. (2009). All roads lead to Baghdad: Army special operations forces in Iraq. Boulder, CO: Paladin.
Schubert, F. N., Kraus, T. L., & Center of Military History. (2001). The whirlwind war: The United States Army in operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. Washington, D.C: Center of Military History, United States Army. Retrieved from
Stewart, R.W. (2010). War in the Persian Gulf: Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm August 1990-March 1991. Washington, D.C.: Center for Military History, United States Army. Retrieved from
Whitcomb, D.D. (2006). Combat search and rescue in Desert Storm. Maxwell AFB, AL: Air University Press.
Below are the citations for the items listed under the Books, eBooks, eAudiobooks, and Additional Resources tabs.
Center of Military History. (2003). United States forces, Somalia after action report and historical overview: The United States Army in Somalia, 1992-1994. Washington, D.C: United States Army, Center of Military History. Retrieved from
Ecklund, M. (2004). Personnel recovery operations for Special Operations Forces in urban environments: Modeling successful overt and clandestine methods of recovery. Monterey, CA: Naval Postgraduate School. Retrieved from
Ecklund, M. (2004, May). Analysis of Operation Gothic Serpent TF ranger in Somalia. Special Warfare, 16(4), 38-47. Retrieved from
Eversmann, M., & Schilling, D. (2006). Battle of Mogadishu: Firsthand accounts from the men of Task Force Ranger. New York: Ballantine Books.
Moyar, M. (2017). Oppose any foe: The rise of America’s Special Operations Forces. New York: Basic Books.
Neville, L. (2018). Day of the Rangers: The battle of Mogadishu 25 years on. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
Poole, W. S., & United States. (2005). The effort to save Somalia, August 1992-March 1994. Washington, DC: Joint History Office, Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Retreived from:
Below are the citations for the items listed under the Books, eBooks, and Additional Resources tabs.
Adams, T.K. (1993, October). SOF in peace-support operations. Special Warfare, 6(4), 2-7. Retrieved from
Baumann, R.F., Gawrych, G.W., & Kretchik, W.E. (2004). Armed peacekeepers in Bosnia. Fort Leavenworth, KA: Combat Studies Institute Press.
Cody, P.R. (2005). Bosnia-Herzegovina: The U.S. Army’s role in peace enforcement operations, 1995-2004. Washington, D.C: United States Army, Center of Military History. Retrieved from
Joulwan, G.A., & Shoemaker, C.C. (1998). Civilian-military cooperation in the prevention of deadly conflict: Implementing agreements in Bosnia and beyond. Washington, DC: Carnegie Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflict.
Kirkpatrick, C. E. (2006). "Ruck it up!": The post-Cold War transformation of V Corps, 1990-2001. Washington, D.C: Dept. of the Army.
Raugh, H.E. (2009). Operation Joint Endeavor: V Corps in Bosnia-Herzegovina 1995-1996: An Oral History. Fort Leavenworth, KA: Combat Studies Institute Press. Retrieved from
Siegel, P. C. (2008). Target Bosnia: Integrating information activities in peace operations NATO-lead operations in Bosnia Herzegovina December 1995-1997. Washington: National Defense University, Department of Defense.
Wentz, L. (1998). Lessons from Bosnia: The IFOR experience. Washington, D.C.: Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University.
Below are the citations for the items listed under the Books, eBooks, Audiobooks, and Additional Resources tabs.
Briscoe, C. H. (2006). All roads lead to Baghdad: Army Special Operations Forces in Iraq. Fort Bragg, N.C: USASOC History Office.
Briscoe, C.H. (2003). Weapon of choice: U.S. Army special operations forces in Afghanistan. Fort Leavenworth, KA: Combat Studies Institute Press.
Fontenot, G., Degen, E. J., & Tohn, D. (2005). On point: The United States Army in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press.
Grau, L.W., & Billingsley, D. (2011). Operation Anaconda: America’s first major battle in Afghanistan. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas
Kugler, R. L., Baranick, M., & Binnendijk, H. (2009). Operation Anaconda: Lessons for Joint Operations. Washington, DC: Center for Technology and National Security Policy, National Defense University. Retrieved from
Lambeth, Benjamin S. (2006). Operation Anaconda. In Air power against terror: America's conduct of Operation Enduring Freedom. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation. Retrieved from
Marzano, T. (2006). Criticisms associated with Operation Anaconda: Can long distance leadership be effective? Newport, RI: Naval War College, Joint Military Operations Department. Retrieved from
Naylor, S. (2005). Not a good day to die: The untold story of Operation Anaconda. New York: Berkley Books.
Below are the citations for the items listed under the Books, eBooks, and Additional Resources tabs.
Dunigan, M., Hoffmann, D., Chalk, P., Nichiporuk, B., & Deluca, P. (2012). “The case of Operation Enduring Freedom—Philippines.” In Characterizing and exploring the implications of maritime irregular warfare. 19-34. Santa Monica, CA; RAND Corporation. Retrieved from
Palilonis, D.C. (2009). Operation Enduring Freedom-Philippines: A demonstration of economy of force. Newport, RI: Naval War College. Retrieved from
Robinson, L. (2016). The SOF experience in the Philippines and the implications for future defense strategy. PRISM, 6(3), 151-167. Retrieved from
Robinson, L., Johnston, P.B., & Oak, G.S. (2016). U.S. Special Operations Forces in the Philippines, 2001–2014. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2016.
Stentiford, B.M. (2018). Success in the shadows: Operation Enduring Freedom – Philippines and the Global War on Terror, 2002-2015. Fort Leavenworth, KA: Combat Studies Institute Press. Retrieved from
Below are the citations for the items listed under the Books, eBooks, and Additional Resources tabs.
Briscoe, C.H. (2005, Winter). Factors affecting ARSOF: Preparation for Operation Iraqi Freedom. Veritas, 1(1), 3-7. Retrieved from
Christie, K.A. (2006). Synchronization chaos: Command and control of special operations and conventional forces in shared battle space. Newport, RI: Naval War College. Retrieved from Instructions for Paste and Spellcheck
Fontenot, G., Degen, E. J., & Tohn, D. (2005). On point: The United States Army in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press.
Keegan, J. (2004). The Iraq war. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
Lambeth, B.S. (2013). The unseen war: Allied air power and the takedown of Saddam Hussein. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press.
Serena, C. (2014). It takes more than a network: The Iraqi insurgency and organizational adaptation. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Knights, M. (2005). Cradle of conflict: Iraq and the birth of the modern U.S. military. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press.
Tripp, R.S., Lynch, K.F., Drew, J.G., & Chan, E.W. (2004). Supporting Air and Space Expeditionary Forces: Lessons from Operation Enduring Freedom. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation.
Casey, G.W. (2012, October). Strategic reflections: Operation Iraqi Freedom July 2004-February 2007. Washington, DC: National Defense University Press. Retrieved from
Lynch, K. F., Drew, J.G., Tripp, R.S., & Roll, C.R. (2005). Improving agile combat support for the U.S. Air Force: Lessons from Operation Iraqi Freedom. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation. Retrieved from
Perry, W.L., Darilek, R.E., Rohn, L.L., & Sollingers, J.M. (2015). Operation Iraqi Freedom: Decisive war, elusive peace. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation. Retrieved from
Peltz, E., Robbins, M., Girardini, K.J., Eden, R., Halliday, J., & Angers, J. (2005).Sustainment of Army forces in Operation Iraqi Freedom: Major findings and recommendations. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation. Retrieved from
Peltz, E., Halliday, J., Robbins, M., & Girardini, K.J. (2005). Sustainment of Army forces in Operation Iraqi Freedom: Battlefield logistics and effects on Operations. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation. Retrieved from
Below are the citations for the items listed under the Books, eBooks, Audiobooks, and eAudiobooks tabs.
Darack, E. (2009). Victory point: Operations Red Wings and Whalers: The Marine Corps’ battle for freedom in Afghanistan. New York: Berkley Caliber.
Luttrell, M. & Robinson, P. (2007). Lone survivor: The eyewitness account of Operation Redwing and the lost heroes of SEAL Team 10. Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Company.
Williams, G. (2011). SEAL of honor: Operation Red Wings and the life of Lt. Michael P. Murphy, USN. Annapolis, Md.: Naval Institute Press.
Below are the citations for the items listed under the Books, eBooks, and Additional Resources tabs.
Entire issue of Special Warfare dedicated to VSI Strengthen Afghanistan, July-August-September 2011, 24(3). Retrieved from
Green, D. R. (2015, March-April). Retaking a district center: A case study in the application of village stability operations. Military Review, 95(2). 118-124. Retrieved from
Green, D.R. (2017). In the warlord’s shadow: Special Operations Forces, the Afghans, and their fight against the Taliban. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press.
Osburg, J., Paul, C., Saum-Manning, L., Madden, D., & Payne, L.A. (2014). Assessing locally focused stability operations. Santa Monica, CA: RAND. Retrieved from
Below are the citations for the items listed under the Additional Resources tab.
Barrett, J. T. (2013). Operation new dawn: Rhetoric or real policy change? The University of Texas at El Paso.
Blake, D. (2013). Intelligence support to sustainment operations: Lessons learned from the Iraq drawdown. Army Sustainment, 45(2), 21–23.
Chang, W. (2012). A strategic-level intelligence advisor’s lessons learned. Military Review, 92(4), 18–25.
Cichowicz, M. S. (2012). Lessons from Operation New Dawn. Infantry, 101(2), 44–46.
Counihan, T.C., and Danielson, P.D. (2012, November). The 912th Forward Surgical Team in Operation New Dawn: Employment of the Forward Surgical Team during troop withdrawal under combat conditions. Military Medicine, 177(11), 1267-1271.
Donahue, S. F. (Rock), Gibson, M. C., Rohrer, J. M., & Diaz, J. M. (2012). With honor and success: Full spectrum joint engineer planning in support of Operation New Dawn. Engineer, 42(2), 16–19.
Eckel, J. R. (2013). Finance detachment operations during Operation New Dawn. Army Sustainment, 45(1), 44–45.
Fischer, H. (2015). Overall casualties in OIR, OIF, OND, OEF, and OFS. Congressional Research Service: Report, 1. Retrieved from
Below are the citations for the items listed under the Books, Audiobooks, eBooks, and Additional Resources tab.
ArcGIS, Operation Neptune Spear (interactive map)
Lahoud, N., Caudill, S., Collins, L., Koehler-Derrick, G., Rassler, D., & al-Ubaydi, M. (2012). Letters from Abbottabad: Bin Ladin sidelined?. West Point, NY: Harmony Program, Combating Terrorism Center. Retrieved from
Owen, M. (2012). No easy day: the autobiography of a Navy SEAL: the firsthand account of the mission that killed Osama Bin Laden New York: Dutton.
Pfarrer, C. (2011). SEAL target Geronimo: the inside story of the mission to kill Osama Bin Laden. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
Van Schaack, B. (2012). The killing of Osama Bin Laden & Anwar Al-Aulaqi: Uncharted legal territory. Retrieved from